Thursday, August 7, 2008

Harrison Has lost his MIND...........

I bet those pictures freaked you out & you thought I was PREGO, LOL! Im not for the record.

So I got a call at work from Harrison..........He says " Shelby & I have been talking & we have come to the conclusion that we need a baby boy" ( YES Like ANOTHER BABY) I am thinking okay so I WILL drop by Wally World & pick up a boy baby doll, but no THEY WERE ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT A NEW BABY, LIKE REAL, LIVE BABY! I was really not expecting that from Shelby due to the fact that she terrorizes her baby sister! I also was not expecting that from Harrison, because I just was not. I was thinking more along the lines of lets get fixed & adopt a kid thats already past the Terrible Horrible Tantrum THrees! I think I am just so confused! Baby or no Baby, that is the question???????? I dont think honestly my nerves can handle another!!! I only have enough mental capacity for 2!!! So tell me your thoughts & remember my mental capacity when you do! I am thinking NO! But I am also thinking I should get it all over with at once & not wait ( if I am going to do it), because once I am done with diapers I do not want to start over!


gigi said...

I say "go for it" while they are all little at once! But then who am I to say, I just want more grand children! It's totally up to you. Dr. Brock would be thrilled! Pop Pop says he's okay with it. I think you better check with your mom.

Amanda said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!! These years will fly by so fast and they will all be teenagers before you even know it. These first few years seem to be miserable but I promise that it will be gone before you know it. Also, if you have any question about it at ALL you should definately do it right now so that you don't get all done with the diapers and decide that you need more. No, no, no that does not seem to be the way to go. As much as mine drive me crazy I love that they always entertain each other and having so many of them makes the smallest thing that we do (movies, pool etc) seem like a constant party. Yes, have more. I can't wait to hear what you decide...

Also, the more you have the more visitors you will have in the nursing home, right?

Tara said...

You know what they say...Three times a charm! Happy Baby Makin'!

Sandman said...

Oh my! When it comes to kids, the best thing is not to think ... because on paper you never can afford them and nothing ever makes sence. If you're gonna have more, just go on ahead and get it over with ... You're a good mother and you're blessed with a good support system ... and write down the names of all the people that are encouraging you, so you know where you can dump your kids off when you need a break! I kind of wish our Max was closer in age with the older ones ... GOOD LUCK !!!!

Elizabeth said...

Um I don't know because I feel like we are done and Kris too. But then again I would love to have a little girl so maybe we should just fed ex our kids back in forth that way we don't need to have another one..:0) we can just share because I don't have the patients for another one I think. let us know:0)

Anonymous said...

Hello! My children never checked with their mom! I never checked with my mom. I never checked with my children. I just spit them out like watermelon seeds! ! !

When Papa & I sat on my family steps necking and talking - we decided 6 was a good number and Sandy was named during that time, --junior for his dad. It only took us six years one month and five days from our wedding day for our fifth baby and first son - Sandy - to join our family. Number six never arrived... I was too overwhelmed by that time.

It was good for the children to be close in age in some ways and in others I don't know. NOW I'm happy they were close in age - but it was a struggle... 5 Babies are nothing compared to 5 teenagers -- and I had good - G O O D - children - but I was a strict (mean) mom.

I never had the extended family help and was a stay at home mom, except when medical bills engulfed us - but going to work defeated the purpose and baby sitter fees took most the money from my job.

A C T U A L L Y -- I'm thinking FOUR is a good passel of children for today, That way there is NO middle child!

Hugs, Love and Prayers Always,
g'mother c

Anonymous said...

How can you be sure you'll have a BOY !! It's no garantee. Like us just keep trying till you get HIM and then stop like we did.

Like G.Mother said, We had such good kids, they just made it worth while. They are a blessing to us.


Anonymous said...

Well I guess I would say take some time to think it over. I have three children, and there's a 8year gap between the first and second, then almost a three year between the second and third. The youngest is 11 and my husband will say sometimes let's adopt, and I say to myself ARE YOU CRAZY? Just the other day he mentioned about us having another child, but I had to remind him of his age "50" and my age "43" no way for us. As for you and Harrison, as I said before think long and hard better yet prayer about. Not being mean, others will always want you to have more children, but in the end it's your life and decision. Do what's best for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Go for it. If you get a girl, send her to us and try again!